The Dashboard title reflects the name of the data column you chose on
the Ist drop down below. Double click on it, to update it.
× Cancel
\n{{ subTitleChart }}
\nThis title reflects the selections made on the drop-downs of Parameter 1,
\n Parameter 2 and Parameter(s) above.
{{ totalTenants }}
\n \n \nemployment status - all
\nTotal number of your selections on
the 3 drop-downs above.
± 103
\n \n \nNumber difference between the
time-period(s) on the drop-down below.
± 4%
\nPercentage difference between the
time-period(s) on the drop-down below.
\n Showing data from:\n
\n\n No more available options\n
\n \nThe graph and table below present a visual showcase of what your own dahsboard
will look like, once you complete its creation on this page.
This drop-down reflects the time-periods of your data in the CSVs.
\ncolumn(as loaded from your CSV). \n
The table shows the numerical values of your
selections in the graph above.
These are 3 calculation examples we offer. Please edit the
column names to indicate the calculations you wish to see here.
\n We will be happy to generate them for your table.